JLE#5: Growth Mindset


Growth Mindset

  Photo by Julian Jagtenberg from Pexels

 I have never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before.  I have typically listened to military leaders and coaches talk about mindset.  I would definitely say I have embodied a growth mindset since my first year of school here.  I have applied it to academics, fitness, relationships and certainly some other areas of my life. 

I have learned that it really takes a lot for me to learn so I need to prepare.  Since doing so I have taken the statement "learn to plan and plan to learn" seriously.  Biggest challenge about learning is anxiety about how challenging it might be.  I absolutely will be interested in learning more about growth mindset and strategies.  I am worried about Spanish this semester because it has a lot of volume in regards to its material.  It will be challenging to memorize and keep up with numerous homework assignments. 


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