JLE#15: Reading Notes Gospel of Mark, Part B

 Part B Notes


For part B of these reading unit, I was most interested in the story of when Jesus first entered in Jerusalem.  Jesus and his disciples first entered the city and were not accepted well by the priests.  The people loved His doctrine and that frightened the priests.  As I was reading, I could only think what if the priests did accept his doctrine?  What changes would have occurred in the treatment of Jesus in the gospel of Mark?  The Pharisees themselves were amongst the priests as well and would still have sought out to destroy who they saw as a threat to their traditional ways.  I would maybe like to take a turn away from that in my retelling of this story.  I think it would be interesting to write about the “what if” and provide conjecture as to what would have happened if Jesus were to not be captured.

As far as the last supper and the arrest go, I would like to change how some things went down.  The last supper would not be as negative as it is.  Even though what is being said is truth and Jesus knows one of the disciples will betray him.  My hope is to eliminate that and maybe find an alternative to Judas.  Jesus had already forgiven Judas before he even set-in motion a chain of events that would lead to the demise of his teacher.

Source: King James BibleGospel of Mark 

Main focuses: Jerusalem; the Arrest   


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