JLE#23: Reading Notes for Goblin Story, Part B

 Goblin Reading Notes B

The King in this story is determined to get the Goblin to the monk.  The goblin tells him a story of the girl who refused to marry Kings and great wealthy merchants in her land.  In the land, thieves had been pestering with the common folk to the point where they asked for their brave King's help.  The King captures a prominent thief and sentences him to death for his crimes.  The girl sees the thief on the day of his execution and cannot help but say that he is to be her husband.  The girl watches him die and follows his body to the cemetery.  She nearly had set herself ablaze, but the Divine Shiva interrupted  her actions and admired her commitment to her "husband."  Shiva granted life to the man and they lived together.  The King saw the reformed thief and promoted him to general of his ranks. 


Story source: Twenty-Two Goblins, translated by Arthur W. Ryder, with illustrations by Perham W. Nahl (1917).


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