JLE#20: Reading Notes on the Voyages of Sinbad, Part B
Reading Notes Part B Photo by Jeremy Bishop from Pexels Part B: In Sinbad’s fifth voyage he and his crew that he assembled climbed aboard his ship and set sail for more adventure and trade. They end up on an island and encounter the Roc birds again. Once again in this story, Sinbad becomes abandoned on the island by himself and loses all his crew as well as his ship. I feel like all of Sinbad’s voyages have gotten him into a similar situation where he becomes trapped on an island and rescued later. So, on this adventure I have thought about maybe including a longer duration of time spent on the island. I will maybe write about how he finds the Old Man and the man captures him and holds him prisoner. I think it would be interesting to write about a great escape on an island all alone with man-eating birds and a crazy old guy who quite possibly could also be a man eater. Since Sinbad is a wealthy merchant, I think this would be a different...